ClientBase Class

Base class for a client involved in server-client communication.


Namespace: Gemstone.Communication
Assembly: Gemstone.Communication (in Gemstone.Communication.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+0c64c8391bfe7dd5190df3a4b323a05770415384
Object    ClientBase
IClient, IProvideStatus, ISupportLifecycle, IDisposable


ClientBase Initializes a new instance of the client.
ClientBase(TransportProtocol, String) Initializes a new instance of the client.


ConnectionString Gets or sets the data required by the client to connect to the server.
ConnectionTime Gets the Time for which the client has been connected to the server.
CurrentState Gets the current ClientState.
Enabled Gets or sets a boolean value that indicates whether the client is currently enabled.
IsDisposed Gets a flag that indicates whether the object has been disposed.
MaxConnectionAttempts Gets or sets the maximum number of times the client will attempt to connect to the server.
Name Gets or sets the unique identifier of the server.
ReadIndex Gets or sets current read index for received data buffer incremented at each Read(Byte, Int32, Int32) call.
ReceiveBufferSize Gets or sets the size of the buffer used by the client for receiving data from the server.
SendBufferSize Gets or sets the size of the buffer used by the client for sending data to the server.
ServerIndex Gets the current server index, when multiple server end points are defined.
ServerUri Gets the server URI.
Statistics Gets the TransportStatistics for the client connection.
Status Gets the descriptive status of the client.
TextEncoding Gets or sets the Encoding to be used for the text sent to the server.
TrackStatistics Determines whether the base class should track statistics.
TransportProtocol Gets the TransportProtocol used by the client for the transportation of data with the server.


Connect Connects the client to the server synchronously.
ConnectAsync Connects the client to the server asynchronously.
Create Create a communications client
Disconnect When overridden in a derived class, disconnects client from the server synchronously.
Dispose Releases all the resources used by the ClientBase object.
Dispose(Boolean) Releases the unmanaged resources used by the ClientBase object and optionally releases the managed resources.
EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Initialize Initializes the client.
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
OnConnectionAttempt Raises the ConnectionAttempt event.
OnConnectionEstablished Raises the ConnectionEstablished event.
OnConnectionException Raises the ConnectionException event.
OnConnectionTerminated Raises the ConnectionTerminated event.
OnReceiveData Raises the ReceiveData event.
OnReceiveDataComplete Raises the ReceiveDataComplete event.
OnReceiveDataException Raises the ReceiveDataException event.
OnSendDataComplete Raises the SendDataComplete event.
OnSendDataException Raises the SendDataException event.
OnSendDataStart Raises the SendDataStart event.
Read When overridden in a derived class, reads a number of bytes from the current received data buffer and writes those bytes into a byte array at the specified offset.
RequestNextServerIndex Requests that the client attempt to move to the next ServerIndex.
Send(Byte) Sends data to the server synchronously.
Send(String) Sends data to the server synchronously.
Send(Byte, Int32, Int32) Sends data to the server synchronously.
SendAsync(Byte) Sends data to the server asynchronously.
SendAsync(String) Sends data to the server asynchronously.
SendAsync(Byte, Int32, Int32) Sends data to the server asynchronously.
SendDataAsync When overridden in a derived class, sends data to the server asynchronously.
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
UpdateBytesReceived Updates the Statistics pertaining to bytes received.
UpdateBytesSent Updates the Statistics pertaining to bytes sent.
ValidateConnectionString When overridden in a derived class, validates the specified connectionString.


ConnectionAttempt Occurs when client is attempting connection to the server.
ConnectionEstablished Occurs when client connection to the server is established.
ConnectionException Occurs when an Exception is encountered during connection attempt to the server.
ConnectionTerminated Occurs when client connection to the server is terminated.
Disposed Occurs when the ClientBase has been disposed.
ReceiveData Occurs when unprocessed data has been received from the server.
ReceiveDataComplete Occurs when data received from the server has been processed and is ready for consumption.
ReceiveDataException Occurs when an Exception is encountered when receiving data from the server.
SendDataComplete Occurs when the client has successfully sent data to the server.
SendDataException Occurs when an Exception is encountered when sending data to the server.
SendDataStart Occurs when the client begins sending data to the server.


DefaultMaxConnectionAttempts Specifies the default value for the MaxConnectionAttempts property.
DefaultReceiveBufferSize Specifies the default value for the ReceiveBufferSize property.
DefaultSendBufferSize Specifies the default value for the SendBufferSize property.

See Also