IChannelFrame Interface

Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of frame of data that contains a collection of IChannelCell objects.


Namespace: Gemstone.PhasorProtocols
Assembly: Gemstone.PhasorProtocols (in Gemstone.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+b26f50da8951964ebeac94cceca49a2cc8bc2c4d
ISupportBinaryImage, IChannel, IFrame, IComparable, IComparableIFrame, IEquatableIFrame, ISerializable


The phasor protocols library defines a "frame" as a collection of cells (logical units of data). For example, a IDataCell would be defined as a PMU within a frame of data, a IDataFrame (derived from IChannelFrame), that contains multiple PMU's coming from a PDC.

This interface inherits IFrame so that classes implementing this interface can be cooperatively integrated into measurement concentration (see ConcentratorBase).


Attributes Gets a DictionaryTKey, TValue of string based property names and values for this IChannel object.
(Inherited from IChannel)
BinaryLength Gets the length of the binary image.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
Cells Gets the simple reference to the collection of cells for this IChannelFrame.
CreatedTimestamp Gets timestamp, in ticks, of when this IFrame was created.
(Inherited from IFrame)
FrameType Gets the FundamentalFrameType for this IChannelFrame.
IDCode Gets or sets the ID code of this IChannelFrame.
LastSortedMeasurement Gets or sets reference to last IMeasurement that was sorted into this IFrame.
(Inherited from IFrame)
Lifespan Gets the life-span of this IFrame since its creation.
(Inherited from IFrame)
Measurements Keyed measurements in this IFrame.
(Inherited from IFrame)
Published Gets or sets published state of this IFrame (pre-processing).
(Inherited from IFrame)
SortedMeasurements Gets or sets total number of measurements that have been sorted into this IFrame.
(Inherited from IFrame)
State Gets or sets the parsing state for this IChannel object.
(Inherited from IChannel)
Tag Gets or sets a user definable reference to an object associated with this IChannel object.
(Inherited from IChannel)
Timestamp Gets or sets exact timestamp, in Ticks, of the data represented in this IFrame.
(Inherited from IFrame)
TimeTag Gets UNIX based time representation of the ticks of this IChannelFrame.


CompareTo(T)Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from IComparableIFrame)
CompareTo(Object)Compares the current instance with another object of the same type and returns an integer that indicates whether the current instance precedes, follows, or occurs in the same position in the sort order as the other object.
(Inherited from IComparable)
EqualsIndicates whether the current object is equal to another object of the same type.
(Inherited from IEquatableIFrame)
GenerateBinaryImage(Byte[], Int32) Generates binary image of the object and copies it into the given buffer, for BinaryLength bytes.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)
GetObjectDataPopulates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
(Inherited from ISerializable)
ParseBinaryImage(Byte[], Int32, Int32) Initializes object by parsing the specified buffer containing a binary image.
(Inherited from ISupportBinaryImage)

Extension Methods

CopyImage This is a common optimized block copy function for any kind of data.
(Defined by Common)

See Also