AnalogDefinitionBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of an IAnalogValue. |
AnalogDefinitionCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IAnalogDefinition objects. |
AnalogValueBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of an analog value. |
AnalogValueCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IAnalogValue objects. |
ChannelBase |
Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of any kind
of data that can be parsed or generated. This is the base class of all parsing/generating classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the parsing/generating class hierarchy. |
ChannelCellBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of any kind of data cell. |
ChannelCellCollectionBaseT | Represents a protocol independent collection of IChannelCell objects. |
ChannelCellParsingStateBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IChannelCell. |
ChannelCollectionBaseT |
Represents a protocol independent collection of IChannel objects. This is the base class of all collection classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the collection class hierarchy. |
ChannelDefinitionBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of any kind of IChannel data. |
ChannelDefinitionCollectionBaseT | Represents a protocol independent collection of IChannelDefinition objects. |
ChannelFrameBaseT | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of any frame of data that can be sent or received. |
ChannelFrameCollectionBaseT | Represents a protocol independent collection of IChannelFrame objects. |
ChannelFrameParsingStateBaseT | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IChannelFrame. |
ChannelParsingStateBase |
Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent parsing state class used by any kind of data. This is the base class of all parsing state classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the parsing state class hierarchy. |
ChannelValueBaseT | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of any kind of data value. |
ChannelValueCollectionBaseTDefinition, TValue | Represents a protocol independent collection of IChannelValueT objects. |
CommandCell | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of an element of extended data for cells in a ICommandFrame. |
CommandCellCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of ICommandCell objects. |
CommandFrameBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of any ICommandFrame that can be sent or received. |
CommandFrameParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any ICommandFrame. |
Common | Common constants, functions and extensions for phasor classes. |
ConfigurationCellBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of all configuration elements for cells in a IConfigurationFrame. |
ConfigurationCellCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IConfigurationCell objects. |
ConfigurationCellParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IConfigurationCell. |
ConfigurationFrameBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of any IConfigurationFrame that can be sent or received. |
ConfigurationFrameCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IConfigurationFrame. |
ConfigurationFrameParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IConfigurationFrame. |
ConnectionParametersBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent set of extra connection parameters. |
ConnectionSettings | Represents information defined in a PMU Connection Tester connection file. |
CrcException | The exception that is thrown when an object's CRC check fails. |
DataCellBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of all elements for cells in a IDataFrame. |
DataCellCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IDataCell objects. |
DataCellParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IDataCell. |
DataFrameBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of any IDataFrame that can be sent or received. |
DataFrameCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IDataFrame objects. |
DataFrameParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IDataFrame. |
DigitalDefinitionBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of a IDigitalValue. |
DigitalDefinitionCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IDigitalDefinition objects. |
DigitalValueBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of a digital value. |
DigitalValueCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IDigitalValue objects. |
FrameParserBaseTFrameIdentifier | Represents a frame parser that defines the basic functionality for a protocol to parse a binary data stream and return the parsed data via events. |
FrequencyDefinitionBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of a IFrequencyValue. |
FrequencyDefinitionCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IFrequencyDefinition objects. |
FrequencyValueBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of a frequency and dF/dt value. |
FrequencyValueCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IFrequencyValue objects. |
HeaderCell | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of an element of header data for cells in a IHeaderFrame. |
HeaderCellCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IHeaderCell objects. |
HeaderFrameBase | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of any IHeaderFrame that can be sent or received. |
HeaderFrameParsingState | Represents the protocol independent common implementation of the parsing state used by any IHeaderFrame. |
MultiProtocolFrameParser | Protocol independent frame parser. |
PhasorDefinitionBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent definition of a IPhasorValue. |
PhasorDefinitionCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IPhasorDefinition objects. |
PhasorValueBase | Represents the common implementation of the protocol independent representation of a phasor value. |
PhasorValueCollection | Represents a protocol independent collection of IPhasorValue objects. |
IAnalogDefinition | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a definition of an IAnalogValue. |
IAnalogValue | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of an analog value. |
IChannel |
Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any data type that can
be parsed or generated. This is the base interface implemented by all parsing/generating classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the parsing/generating interface hierarchy. |
IChannelCell | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of IChannelFrame cell. |
IChannelCellCollectionT | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a collection of IChannelCell objects. |
IChannelCellParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of any kind of IChannelCell. |
IChannelCollectionT |
Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a collection of any IChannel objects. This is the base interface implemented by all collections classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the collection interface hierarchy. |
IChannelDefinition | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a definition of any kind of IChannel data. |
IChannelFrame | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of frame of data that contains a collection of IChannelCell objects. |
IChannelFrameT | Represents a strongly-typed protocol independent interface representation of any kind of frame of data that contains a collection of IChannelCell objects. |
IChannelFrameParsingStateT | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of any kind of IChannelFrame. |
IChannelParsingState |
Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state used by any kind of
IChannel data. This is the base interface implemented by all parsing state classes in the phasor protocols library; it is the root of the parsing state interface hierarchy. |
IChannelValueT | Represents a protocol independent interface representation any kind of IChannel data value. |
ICommandCell | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of ICommandFrame cell. |
ICommandFrame | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of command frame that contains a collection of ICommandCell objects. |
ICommandFrameParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of a ICommandFrame. |
IConfigurationCell | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of IConfigurationFrame cell. |
IConfigurationCellParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of any kind of IConfigurationCell. |
IConfigurationFrame | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of configuration frame that contains a collection of IConfigurationCell objects. |
IConfigurationFrameParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of a IConfigurationFrame. |
IConnectionParameters | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of custom connection parameters. |
IDataCell | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of IDataFrame cell. |
IDataCellParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of any kind of IDataCell. |
IDataFrame | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of data frame that contains a collection of IDataCell objects. |
IDataFrameParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of a IDataFrame. |
IDigitalDefinition | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a definition of a IDigitalValue. |
IDigitalValue | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a digital value. |
IFrameParser | Represents a protocol independent representation of a frame parser. |
IFrequencyDefinition | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a definition of a IFrequencyValue. |
IFrequencyValue | Represents a protocol independent interface of a frequency value. |
IHeaderCell | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of IHeaderFrame cell. |
IHeaderFrame | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of any kind of header frame that contains a collection of IHeaderCell objects. |
IHeaderFrameParsingState | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of the parsing state of a IHeaderFrame. |
IPhasorDefinition | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a definition of a IPhasorValue. |
IPhasorValue | Represents a protocol independent interface representation of a phasor value. |
CreateNewCellFunctionT | Defines function signature for creating new IChannelCell objects. |
CreateNewDefinitionFunctionT | Defines function signature for creating new IChannelDefinition objects. |
CreateNewValueFunctionTDefinition, TValue | Defines function signature for creating new IChannelValueT objects. |
AnalogType | Analog types enumeration. |
AngleFormat | Angle format enumeration. |
CheckSumValidationFrameTypes | Check-sum validation frame-type flags. |
CommonStatusFlags | Protocol independent common status flags enumeration. |
CompositeFrequencyValue | Composite frequency value indices enumeration. |
CompositePhasorValue | Composite polar value indices enumeration. |
CoordinateFormat | Phasor coordinate formats enumeration. |
DataFormat | Data transmission formats enumeration. |
DataSortingType | Data sorting types enumeration. |
DeviceCommand | Phasor enabled device commands enumeration. |
FundamentalFrameType | Fundamental frame types enumeration. |
PhasorProtocol | Phasor data protocols enumeration. |
SourceChannel | Source channel, e.g., data or command. |