CommonFrameHeader Class

Represents the common header for all BPA PDCstream frames of data.


Namespace: Gemstone.PhasorProtocols.BPAPDCstream
Assembly: Gemstone.PhasorProtocols (in Gemstone.PhasorProtocols.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+b26f50da8951964ebeac94cceca49a2cc8bc2c4d
Object    CommonFrameHeader
ICommonHeaderFrameType, ISerializable


CommonFrameHeader(Byte) Creates a new CommonFrameHeader from specified parameters.
CommonFrameHeader(SerializationInfo, StreamingContext) Creates a new CommonFrameHeader from serialization parameters.
CommonFrameHeader(Boolean, Boolean, ConfigurationFrame, Byte, Int32, Int32) Creates a new CommonFrameHeader from given buffer.


BinaryImage Gets the binary image of the common header portion of this frame.
DataLength Gets or sets the length of the data in the BPA PDCstream frame (i.e., the FrameLength minus the header length and checksum: FrameLength - 8).
FileType Gets or sets file type for this CommonFrameHeader used when frame is configuration frame and use phasor file format is true.
FileVersion Gets or sets file version for this CommonFrameHeader used when frame is configuration frame and use phasor file format is true.
FrameLength Gets or sets the BPA PDCstream frame length of this frame.
FrameRate Gets frame rate based on sample rate and sample interval for the CommonFrameHeader object.
FrameType Gets the fundamental frame type of this frame.
PacketNumber Gets or sets the BPA PDCstream packet number of this frame - set to 00 for configuration frame
PmuCount Gets or sets PMU count (i.e., number of cells) for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
PreTriggerRows Gets or sets pre-trigger rows for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
RoughTimestamp Gets rough timestamp, accurate to the second, that can be used until configuration frame arrives.
RowFlags Gets or sets row flags for this CommonFrameHeader when frame is a data frame and use phasor file format is true.
RowLength Gets or sets row length for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
SampleInterval Gets or sets sample interval for the CommonFrameHeader object.
SampleRate Gets or sets sample rate for the CommonFrameHeader object.
SourceID Gets or sets source ID for the CommonFrameHeader object.
StartSample Gets or sets start sample for the CommonFrameHeader object.
State Gets or sets the parsing state for the CommonFrameHeader object.
TotalRows Gets or sets total number of data rows for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
TriggerPMU Gets or sets trigger PMU number for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
TriggerSample Gets or sets trigger sample for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
TriggerTime Gets or sets trigger time for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
TriggerType Gets or sets trigger type for the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
TypeID Gets or sets the BPA PDCstream specific frame type of this frame.
UsePhasorDataFileFormat Gets or sets flag that determines if source data is in the Phasor Data File Format (i.e., a DST file).
UserInformation Gets or sets free-form user information that can be added to the CommonFrameHeader object when use phasor file format is true.
WordCount Gets or sets the BPA PDcstream word count.


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
FinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetObjectData Populates a SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize the target object.
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
MemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)


DstHeaderFixedLength Total fixed length of CommonFrameHeader for header in phasor file format data.
FixedLength Total fixed length of CommonFrameHeader, streaming data or data row in phasor file format data.

See Also