Gemstone.PhasorProtocols.BPAPDCstream Namespace

Contains an implementation of the phasor classes used to parse or generate a stream of data in the BPA PDCstream format.


AnalogDefinition Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of an IAnalogDefinition.
AnalogValue Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of an IAnalogValue.
Common Common BPA PDCstream declarations and functions.
CommonFrameHeader Represents the common header for all BPA PDCstream frames of data.
ConfigurationCell Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IConfigurationCell that can be sent or received.
ConfigurationCellCollection Represents a BPA PDCstream implementation of a collection of IConfigurationCell objects.
ConfigurationFrame Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IConfigurationFrame that can be sent or received.
ConfigurationFrameParsingState Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of the parsing state used by a ConfigurationFrame.
ConnectionParameters Represents the extra connection parameters required for a connection to a BPA PDCstream.
DataCell Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IDataCell that can be sent or received.
DataCellCollection Represents a BPA PDCstream implementation of a collection of IDataCell objects.
DataFrame Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IDataFrame that can be sent or received.
DataFrameParsingState Represents the BPA PDCstream protocol implementation of the parsing state used by a DataFrame.
DigitalDefinition Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of an IDigitalDefinition.
DigitalValue Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of an IDigitalValue.
FrameParser Represents a frame parser for a BPA PDCstream binary data stream and returns parsed data via events.
FrequencyDefinition Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IFrequencyDefinition.
FrequencyValue Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IFrequencyValue.
PhasorDefinition Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IPhasorDefinition.
PhasorValue Represents the BPA PDCstream implementation of a IPhasorValue.


ChannelFlags Channel flags enumeration.
FileType File type enueration.
FileVersion File version type.
FormatFlags Format flags enumeration.
FrameType Frame type enumeration.
PMUStatusFlags PMU status flags enumeration.
ReservedFlags Reserved flags enumeration.
RevisionNumber Stream revision number enumeration.
StreamType Stream type enueration.