MessageClass Enumeration

Gets the classification of the message.


Namespace: Gemstone.Diagnostics
Assembly: Gemstone.Diagnostics (in Gemstone.Diagnostics.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+d9d157c80da59365061f9bf4a5d1ecd0f0496e1b
public enum MessageClass


Component0 Messages that come from core components. These messages are for classes that are not working towards a specific framework or application, but can generally be used.
Framework1 Messages from higher level software components. A framework is what makes the underlying application work and is the assimilation of components for a specific purpose. Use this if the intent is that this code will be shared among many different applications and may be implemented differently in those applications. This is different from Component as it has a more specific and defined purpose.
Application2 These messages are for the highest layer of an application. Messages like 'Application X is starting up, shutting down' would go here.

See Also