Gemstone.Diagnostics Namespace

The Gemstone.Diagnostics namespace organizes all Gemstone library functionality related to diagnostics. The root diagnostics namespace also includes common diagnostics classes, e.g., LogPublisher.


DisposableLoggingClassBase A helper class that implements IDisposable that will raise log messages when this class is not properly disposed of.
LogEventPublisher Can be used to publish event messages.
LogEventPublisherDetails Information about the LogEventPublisher that published this message.
LogFileWriterInMemory A log subscriber that will log messages to a file.
Logger Manages the collection and reporting of logging information in a system.
LogMessage An individual log message.
LogPublisher A publisher of log messages.
LogStackFrame Provides information about the specific stack frame.
LogStackMessages Represents an immutable list of stack messages.
LogStackTrace Provides stack trace data that can be serialized to a stream.
LogSubscriber Subscribes to log events.
PublisherTypeDefinition Contains all of the metadata associated with a Type that will be serialized to the disk.
ShutdownHandler This class will monitor the state to the application and raise events when it detects that the application is about to shutdown.
ThreadPoolTrace Executes a trace on the ThreadPool for all callbacks currently queued. This will not include work items that have a time delayed callback.
TimerTrace Executes a trace on the Timer for all queued timers.


MessageRate Defines a message rate for the message suppression algorithm


NewLogMessageEventHandler A log message delegate


MessageClass Gets the classification of the message.
MessageFlags Various flags that can be attributed to a LogMessage.
MessageLevel The level of importance of a message that is being raised. Increasing from Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Critical. None can be specified, but this indicates an importance level cannot be properly identified, and the message will be routed based on MessageFlags.
MessageLevelFlags The level of importance of a message that is being raised. Increasing from Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Critical. None can be specified, but this indicates an importance level cannot be properly identified, and the message will be routed based on MessageFlags.
MessageSuppression Indicates the suppression level that this message received
ShutdownHandlerOrder The order in which the specified callback should occur when shutting down.
VerboseLevel General Verbose Levels exposed to the user for application logging.