StatisticsEngineRegexMatch Method

Determines whether the given signal reference matches the signal reference regular expression using the given suffix.


Namespace: Gemstone.Timeseries.Statistics
Assembly: Gemstone.Timeseries (in Gemstone.Timeseries.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+e2476c52e94864f123f37e60764c948e49eb89eb
public static bool RegexMatch(
	string signalReference,
	string suffix


signalReference  String
The signal reference to be matched against the regular expression.
suffix  String
The suffix used by a particular type of statistic.

Return Value

Flag indicating whether the signal reference matches the regular expression.


The format for signal reference of statistics is: ACRONYM!SUFFIX-ST#, where ACRONYM is the acronym of the measurement's source, SUFFIX is the suffix given as a parameter to this method, and # is an index used to differentiate between statistics with the same source and type.

See Also