Phasor Structure

Represents a phasor as a complex number value and a type (i.e., a voltage or a current).


Namespace: Gemstone.Numeric.EE
Assembly: Gemstone.Numeric (in Gemstone.Numeric.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+8719af24b83815a59535b3885622cedd021e9c5b
public readonly struct Phasor : IEquatable<Phasor>
Object    ValueType    Phasor


Phasor(PhasorType, Complex) Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given Complex.
Phasor(PhasorType, Angle, Double) Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given polar values.
Phasor(PhasorType, Double, Double) Creates a Phasor of the specified type from the given rectangular values.


Conjugate Gets the complex conjugate of this Phasor.


CalculateActivePower Calculates active (or real) power P, i.e., total watts, from imaginary and real components of a voltage and current phasor.
CalculateApparentPower Calculates apparent power |S|, i.e., magnitude of complex power, from a voltage and current phasor.
CalculateComplexPower Calculates complex power S, i.e., total volt-amperes power vector, from a voltage and current phasor.
CalculateReactivePower Calculates reactive power Q, i.e., total volt-amperes of reactive power, from imaginary and real components of a voltage and current phasor.
CalculateRelativePhase Calculates phase φ of voltage relative to current, i.e., angle difference between current and voltage phasor.
Equals(Object) Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified object.
(Overrides ValueTypeEquals(Object))
Equals(Phasor) Returns a value indicating whether this instance is equal to a specified Phasor value.
GetHashCode Returns the hash code for this instance.
(Overrides ValueTypeGetHashCode)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Pow Returns specified Phasor raised to the specified power.
ToString Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation.
(Overrides ValueTypeToString)


Addition(Phasor, Phasor) Returns computed sum of values.
Division(Phasor, Phasor) Returns computed division of values.
Equality(Phasor, Phasor) Compares the two values for equality.
Exponent(Phasor, Double) Returns result of first value raised to power of second value.
(Phasor to Complex) Implicitly converts a Phasor to a Complex.
Inequality(Phasor, Phasor) Compares the two values for inequality.
Multiply(Phasor, Phasor) Returns computed product of values.
Subtraction(Phasor, Phasor) Returns computed difference of values.
UnaryNegation(Phasor) Returns the negated value.


Type Phasor type.
Value Phasor value.

See Also