TypeRegistryGetContextTypeTResult, TInstanceParameter Method

Gets a compiled context type based on registered types and symbols.


Namespace: Gemstone.Expressions.Evaluator
Assembly: Gemstone.Expressions (in Gemstone.Expressions.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+d9cbb49d009f536d325018112e5411c7c36b5400
public Type GetContextType<TResult, TInstanceParameter>()

Type Parameters

Return value Type used for generated context type functions.
Instance parameter Type for generated context type functions.

Return Value

Compiled context type based on registered types and symbols.


This method may generate a new runtime type based on registered types and symbols that is compiled into its own assembly and loaded into memory. The same cached type will be returned unless the registered types or symbols change. Since prior compiled assemblies cannot be unloaded, this property should only be called after all the desired types and symbols have been registered.

See Also