TableOperationsTQueryRecords(String, Boolean, Int32, Int32) Method

Queries database and returns modeled table records for the specified sorting and paging parameters.


Namespace: Gemstone.Data.Model
Assembly: Gemstone.Data (in Gemstone.Data.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+cb657b646daac3e9cc5384ff42ed4530df50eab1
public IEnumerable<T> QueryRecords(
	string? sortField,
	bool ascending,
	int page,
	int pageSize


sortField  String
Field name to order-by.
ascending  Boolean
Sort ascending flag; set to false for descending.
page  Int32
Page number of records to return (1-based).
pageSize  Int32
Current page size.

Return Value

An enumerable of modeled table row instances for queried records.


This function is used for record paging. Primary keys are cached server-side, typically per user session, to maintain desired per-page sort order. Call ClearPrimaryKeyCache to manually clear cache when table contents are known to have changed.

If the specified sortField has been marked with EncryptDataAttribute, establishing the primary key cache operation will take longer to execute since query data will need to be downloaded locally and decrypted so the proper sort order can be determined.

See Also