SI Class

Defines constant factors for SI units of measure to handle metric conversions.


Namespace: Gemstone.Units
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+3e0464f4461df4d3e1175b13966eb47ff832554d
public static class SI
Object    SI


Factors Gets an array of all the defined SI unit factors ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).
Names Gets an array of all the defined unit factor SI names ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).
Symbols Gets an array of all the defined unit factor SI prefix symbols ordered from least (Yocto) to greatest (Yotta).


ToScaledString(Double, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
ToScaledString(Double, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
ToScaledString(Double, Int32, String, String, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling.
ToScaledString(Double, String, String, String, Int32, Double, Double) Turns the given number of units into a textual representation with an appropriate unit scaling given string array of factor names or symbols.


Atto SI prefix a, 10^-18
Centi SI prefix c, 10^-2
Deca SI prefix da, 10^1
Deci SI prefix d, 10^-1
Exa SI prefix E, 10^18
Femto SI prefix f, 10^-15
Giga SI prefix G, 10^9
Hecto SI prefix h, 10^2
Kilo SI prefix k, 10^3
Mega SI prefix M, 10^6
Micro SI prefix µ, 10^-6
Milli SI prefix m, 10^-3
Nano SI prefix n, 10^-9
Peta SI prefix P, 10^15
Pico SI prefix p, 10^-12
Tera SI prefix T, 10^12
Yocto SI prefix y, 10^-24
Yotta SI prefix Y, 10^24
Zepto SI prefix z, 10^-21
Zetta SI prefix Z, 10^21

See Also