MemberInfoExtensions Class

Defines extensions methods related to MemberInfo objects and derived types (e.g., FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, MethodInfo, etc.).


Namespace: Gemstone.Reflection.MemberInfoExtensions
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+3e0464f4461df4d3e1175b13966eb47ff832554d
public static class MemberInfoExtensions
Object    MemberInfoExtensions


AttributeExistsTMemberInfo, TAttribute Returns a boolean flag that determines if the specified TAttribute exists.
GetFriendlyClassNameTMemberInfo Gets the friendly class name of the provided MemberInfo object, trimming generic parameters.
TryGetAttributeTMemberInfo(TMemberInfo, String, Attribute) Attempts to get the specified attribute from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.
TryGetAttributeTMemberInfo(TMemberInfo, Type, Attribute) Attempts to get the specified attribute from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.
TryGetAttributeTMemberInfo, TAttribute(TMemberInfo, TAttribute) Attempts to get the specified attribute from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.
TryGetAttributesTMemberInfo(TMemberInfo, String, Attribute) Attempts to get the specified attributes from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.
TryGetAttributesTMemberInfo(TMemberInfo, Type, Attribute) Attempts to get the specified attributes from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.
TryGetAttributesTMemberInfo, TAttribute(TMemberInfo, TAttribute) Attempts to get the specified attributes from a MemberInfo object, returning true if it does.

See Also