Common Class

Defines common global functions.


Namespace: Gemstone
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+d050cfc5563c89a1188cc3c6b2d417530856f490
public static class Common
Object    Common


ApplicationName Gets the name of the current application.


GetAvailablePhysicalMemory Gets the available physical system memory.
GetOSPlatformID Gets the operating system PlatformID
GetOSProductName Gets the operating system product name.
GetTotalPhysicalMemory Gets the total physical system memory.
IsDefaultValueDetermines if given item is equal to its default value (e.g., null or 0.0).
IsNonStringReferenceDetermines if given item is a reference type but not a string.
IsNumeric Determines if given item is or can be interpreted as numeric.
IsNumericType(Object) Determines if Type of item is a numeric type, i.e., item is IConvertible and has a TypeCode that is one of: Boolean, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
IsNumericType(Type) Determines if type is a numeric type, i.e., has a TypeCode that is one of: Boolean, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
IsNumericType(TypeCode) Determines if typeCode is a numeric type, i.e., one of: Boolean, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
IsNumericTypeT Determines if T is a numeric type, i.e., has a TypeCode that is one of: Boolean, SByte, Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64Single, Double or Decimal.
IsReferenceDetermines if given item is a reference type.
MaxTReturns the largest item from a list of parameters.
MidTReturns the value that is neither the largest nor the smallest.
MinTReturns the smallest item from a list of parameters.
TypeConvertFromString(String, Type) Converts this string into the specified type.
TypeConvertFromString(String, Type, CultureInfo, Boolean) Converts this string into the specified type.
TypeConvertToString(Object) Converts value to a String using an appropriate TypeConverter.
TypeConvertToString(Object, CultureInfo, Boolean) Converts value to a String using an appropriate TypeConverter.


IsPosixEnvironment Determines if the current system is a POSIX style environment.

See Also