OrderedDictionaryTKey, TValueValueCollection Class

Represents the collection of values in a OrderedDictionaryTKey, TValue. This class cannot be inherited.


Namespace: Gemstone.Collections
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+3e0464f4461df4d3e1175b13966eb47ff832554d
public sealed class ValueCollection : IList<TValue>, 
	ICollection<TValue>, IEnumerable<TValue>, IEnumerable, IReadOnlyList<TValue>, 
Object    OrderedDictionaryTKey, TValueValueCollection
ICollectionTValue, IEnumerableTValue, IListTValue, IReadOnlyCollectionTValue, IReadOnlyListTValue, IEnumerable


Count Gets the number of elements contained in the OrderedDictionaryTKey, TValueValueCollection.
Item Gets the value at the specified index as an O(1) operation.


EqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through the OrderedDictionaryTKey, TValueValueCollection.
GetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
GetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
ToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)

Extension Methods

AddRangeTValue Adds the specified items to the collection.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
AllParallelTValue Determines whether all elements of a sequence satisfy a condition with each item being tested in parallel.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
DistinctByTValue, TKey Returns only the elements whose keys are distinct.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
GetEnumValueOrDefault Gets the enumeration constant for value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
GetEnumValueOrDefaultT Gets the enumeration constant for this value, if defined in the enumeration, or a default value.
(Defined by EnumExtensions)
GetRangeTValue Returns elements in the specified range from the collection.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
IndexOfTValue Returns the index of the first element of the sequence that satisfies a condition or -1 if no such element is found.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
LoadDelimitedStringTValueAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, using the default delimiter ("|") into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
LoadDelimitedStringTValueAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
LoadDelimitedStringTValueAppends items parsed from delimited string, created with ToDelimitedString, into the given list.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MajorityTValue Returns the majority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MajorityTValue Returns the majority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MajorityByTValue, TKey Returns the majority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MajorityByTValue, TKey Returns the majority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MaxTValueReturns the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MaxTValueReturns the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MaxByTValue, TKeySelects the largest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MedianTValue Gets the median item(s) from an enumeration, i.e., one return item for odd lengths, two for even lengths.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinTValueReturns the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinTValueReturns the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinByTValue, TKeySelects the smallest item from the enumeration.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinorityTValue Returns the minority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the minority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinorityTValue Returns the minority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the minority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinorityByTValue, TKey Returns the minority value in the collection, or default type value if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
MinorityByTValue, TKey Returns the minority value in the collection, or defaultValue if no item represents the majority.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ScrambleTValue Rearranges all the elements in the list into a highly-random order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ScrambleTValue Rearranges all the elements in the list into a repeatable pseudo-random order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ToDelimitedStringTValueConverts an enumeration to a string, using the default delimiter ("|") that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ToDelimitedStringTValueConverts an enumeration to a string that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ToDelimitedStringTValueConverts an enumeration to a string that can later be converted back to a list using LoadDelimitedString.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
ToPagedListTValue Gets a PagedListT to paginate source enumeration for a given page and specified pageSize.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
UnscrambleTValue Rearranges all the elements in the list previously scrambled with ScrambleTSource(IListTSource, Int32) back into their original order.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)
UpdateRangeTValue Updates collection starting at the index with the specified items.
(Defined by CollectionExtensions)

See Also