BitExtensions Class

Defines extension methods related to bit operations.


Namespace: Gemstone.BitExtensions
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.110 -- Release Build+3e0464f4461df4d3e1175b13966eb47ff832554d
public static class BitExtensions
Object    BitExtensions


BitRotL(Byte, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(Int16, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(Int32, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(Int64, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(SByte, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(UInt16, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(UInt32, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotL(UInt64, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(Byte, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(Int16, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(Int32, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(Int64, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(SByte, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(UInt16, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(UInt32, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitRotR(UInt64, Int32) Performs rightwise bit-rotation for the specified number of rotations.
BitVal Gets the bit value for the specified bit index (0 - 63).
CheckBits(Byte, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Byte, Byte) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int16, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int16, Int16) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int32, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int32, Int32) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int64, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int64, Int64) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(SByte, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(SByte, SByte) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt16, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt16, UInt16) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt32, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt32, UInt32) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt64, Bits) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt64, UInt64) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Byte, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Byte, Byte, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int16, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int16, Int16, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int32, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int32, Int32, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int64, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(Int64, Int64, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(SByte, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(SByte, SByte, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt16, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt16, UInt16, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt32, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt32, UInt32, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt64, Bits, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
CheckBits(UInt64, UInt64, Boolean) Determines if specified bits are set.
ClearBits(Byte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Byte, Byte) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int16, Int16) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int32, Int32) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(Int64, Int64) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(SByte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(SByte, SByte) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt16, UInt16) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt32, UInt32) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
ClearBits(UInt64, UInt64) Returns value with specified bits cleared.
GetMaskedValue(Byte, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Byte, Byte) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int16, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int16, Int16) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int32, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int32, Int32) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int64, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(Int64, Int64) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(SByte, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(SByte, SByte) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt16, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt16, UInt16) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt32, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt32, UInt32) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt64, Bits) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
GetMaskedValue(UInt64, UInt64) Returns value stored in the bits represented by the specified bitmask.
SetBits(Byte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Byte, Byte) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int16, Int16) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int32, Int32) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(Int64, Int64) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(SByte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(SByte, SByte) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt16, UInt16) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt32, UInt32) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetBits(UInt64, UInt64) Returns value with specified bits set.
SetMaskedValue(Byte, Bits, Byte) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Byte, Byte, Byte) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int16, Bits, Int16) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int16, Int16, Int16) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int32, Bits, Int32) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int32, Int32, Int32) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int64, Bits, Int64) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(Int64, Int64, Int64) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(SByte, Bits, SByte) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(SByte, SByte, SByte) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt16, Bits, UInt16) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt16, UInt16, UInt16) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt32, Bits, UInt32) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt64, Bits, UInt64) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
SetMaskedValue(UInt64, UInt64, UInt64) Returns value after setting a new value for the bits specified by the bitmask.
ToggleBits(Byte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Byte, Byte) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int16, Int16) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int32, Int32) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(Int64, Int64) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(SByte, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(SByte, SByte) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt16, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt16, UInt16) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt32, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt32, UInt32) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt64, Bits) Returns value with specified bits toggled.
ToggleBits(UInt64, UInt64) Returns value with specified bits toggled.

See Also