EventHandlerExtensionsSafeInvokeAsync Method

Overload List

SafeInvokeAsyncTEventHandler, TEventArgs(TEventHandler, Object, TEventArgs, Boolean) Safely invokes event propagation asynchronously, continuing even if an attached user handler throws an exception.
SafeInvokeAsyncTEventHandler, TEventArgs(TEventHandler, ActionException, Delegate, Object, TEventArgs, Boolean) Safely invokes event propagation asynchronously with custom exception handler that accepts user handler delegate, continuing even if an attached user handler throws an exception.
SafeInvokeAsyncTEventHandler, TEventArgs(TEventHandler, ActionException, Object, TEventArgs, Boolean) Safely invokes event propagation asynchronously with custom exception handler, continuing even if an attached user handler throws an exception.
SafeInvokeAsyncTEventHandler, TEventArgs(TEventHandler, Object, ActionException, Delegate, Object, TEventArgs, Boolean) Safely invokes event propagation asynchronously with custom event lock and exception handler that accepts user handler delegate, continuing even if an attached user handler throws an exception.
SafeInvokeAsyncTEventHandler, TEventArgs(TEventHandler, Object, ActionException, Object, TEventArgs, Boolean) Safely invokes event propagation asynchronously with custom exception handler, continuing even if an attached user handler throws an exception.

See Also