StringParser.GetBetweenDelimiters Method

Returns the string that is between two delimiter strings beginning the first startDelimiter found. ALSO, returns the index of the payload (the index of the first char past the startDelimiter)


Namespace: Gemstone.IO.Parsing
Assembly: Gemstone.Common (in Gemstone.Common.dll) Version: 1.0.128 -- Release Build+d050cfc5563c89a1188cc3c6b2d417530856f490
public static string? GetBetweenDelimiters(
	string inString,
	out int payloadIndex,
	char startToken = ',',
	char endToken = ',',
	int startIndex = 0,
	bool matchCase = true,
	bool includeTokensInReturn = false


inString  String
The input string
payloadIndex  Int32

[Missing <param name="payloadIndex"/> documentation for "M:Gemstone.IO.Parsing.StringParser.GetBetweenDelimiters(System.String,System.Int32@,System.Char,System.Char,System.Int32,System.Boolean,System.Boolean)"]

startToken  Char  (Optional)
The beginning token or delimiter
endToken  Char  (Optional)
The ending token or delimiter
startIndex  Int32  (Optional)
The index on which to begin searching inString
matchCase  Boolean  (Optional)
set to FALSE for case insensitive test for delimiters
includeTokensInReturn  Boolean  (Optional)
set to TRUE for the return string to include the opening and closing tokens.

Return Value

A string, and the string starting index (payload Index)

See Also